Videos on how to strengthen the bond with the baby

To establish a emotional bond with the baby through massages, caresses, kisses and hugs It is essential for its development.

Communicating with the baby through touch, and also from the eyes, creates a very solid connection between the mother / father and the baby, a union that will contribute to its future development and the way in which the baby will interact with the rest.

Through massages and caresses the baby is becoming aware of his own body, which is essential for his physical development but also for his cognitive and emotional development, since among other things it helps in the development of language, to build their self-esteem and to interact with people.

There are those who believe that in excess of pampering the children will be too spoiled, but that really seems silly to me. When it comes to demonstrations of parental love for children nothing is too much, there are no valid measures. There is nothing negative in the abundance of pampering, but quite the opposite.

The benefits of touching, kissing, hugging and carrying the baby are positive from all points of view. Of course it is for the baby because it provides greater security to face the world around him, but also for parents who enjoy so much pampering our babies.

Touching Bond (Touching = touch, bond = link) is a website created by Johnson's Baby that talks about the importance of emotional contact with the baby. It includes a series of videos with tips on how we should touch the baby and interact to strengthen the bond with him.

There is an explanatory video and 10 videos, each with a tip, with tips to create emotional bonds with the baby. Although the site is in Spanish, the audio of the videos is in English. But if you don't understand the language, the images are eloquent enough to give you an idea of ​​how to interact with your baby.

The videos can be viewed on the Touching Bond site, where you will also find additional information on the benefits of caresses and massages.

Official site | Touching Bond In Babies and more | Learn to touch the baby, infant massages In Babies and more | Massages: powerful caresses In Babies and more | Massaging your baby: Online videos of baby massages In Babies and more | Video: the benefits of massages

Video: How to Bond with Your Unborn Baby. Pregnancy (July 2024).