Annie Leibovitz, Hollywood and Disney tales

Many times it has been said that Hollywwod was like a fairy tale. It was metaphorical until the prestigious photographer Annie Leibovitz has made famous characters and actors the protagonists of Disney stories in several series of portraits titled “Disney Dream”Which responds to a commission from Disney theme parks and, more specifically, is part of its campaign“ The year of a million dreams ”.

The lucky ones have been:

Rachel Weisz as Snow White Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella David Beckam as the sleeping beauty prince Beyoncé Knowles as Alice in Wonderland in the company of Oliver Platt and Lyle Lovett Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony represent the story of Aladdin Whoopi Goldberg becomes the genie of the lamp The model Gisele Bundchen as Wendy and the dancer Mikhail Barishnikov as Peter Pan Jessica Biel as Pocahontas

They are really magical and glamorous photos to enjoy watching them.





Video: Inspiration. Annie Leibovitz, Photographer. Disney Dreams Series for Disney Parks & Vanity Fair (July 2024).