Collection of signatures to extend maternity leave to six months

Yesterday, taking advantage of International Women's Day, hundreds of women took to the streets of several Spanish cities to collect signatures that allow maternity leave to be extended to six months.

Currently, the current law establishes 16 weeks of work permit, but the mothers demand that the leave be extended to six months to promote breastfeeding as recommended by WHO and UNICEF, and it has the support of the majority of pro-breastfeeding associations.

As VelSid told us a while ago, an old collection of signatures worked, but that request did not prosper due to formal issues, among other things because they were virtual signatures, so it is not valid for the law proposal.

A new signature collection campaign that emerged from a group of nursing mothers in Fuensalida (Toledo) is valid to request the proposal to extend the maternity leave in Spain to six months.

Many associations in favor of breastfeeding throughout the country as well as anonymous women have become notaries to support the proposal as do the health centers of the province of Toledo.

It is not yet possible to know how many firms have collected but 500,000 are needed to consider the proposal in Congress.

Many are still missing, so if you want to contribute your grain of sand you can check on the web where you can go to sign.

I wanted to find out where I can go to sign but I found something that I didn't like at all. It is that according to the Electoral Board the resident foreigners cannot sign the petition of law, as if we will not work and not feed our babies. Please, someone to sign for me.

Video: ESIC Maternity benefit. Now get 6 months salary during Maternity Leave under ESI (July 2024).