Sweden, strongly committed to the children of underdeveloped countries

Sweden may be one of the industrialized countries that has a greater awareness of the serious problem that millions of children in underdeveloped countries suffer, deficiencies such as education or health are the result of extreme poverty. In an attempt to help tackle this serious problem, Sweden has pledged to donate $ 42 million to the GAVI Alliance, once known as the Global Vaccination Alliance.

This alliance is made up of governments of developed and developing countries, the World Health Organization, the World Bank and various NGOs, among others. The donation made by Sweden will be used to develop preventive vaccines for children. The Minister of International Development Cooperation of Sweden spoke some words that really deserve our praise, "The fight against transmission diseases in the poorest countries is one of the top priorities for Sweden, as it contributes directly to the improvement of health global, and it is vital if the Millennium Development Goal of reducing child mortality is to be achieved "

Let other countries take an example, such contributions help to alleviate the problem a little more. One of the objectives that all countries should consider would be to reduce child mortality, extreme poverty, lack of schooling, all the problems that do not allow these countries to develop properly and ensure a minimum quality of life for their inhabitants and especially to the kids.

Video: Which Countries Have The Best Education? (July 2024).