Working mother, effects of her absence on children

The effects on children when a mother works outside the home have been discussed for quite some time. The question is, if a mother works outside the home,there are differences in children with respect to those of mothers who do not work and are housewives?

A study by the Society for Child Development Research that has been published in Blackwell Publishing magazine states that there are no differences, intellectual or social. The researchers developed a study to analyze theories concerning the time children usually spend with mothers.

They used the data of 1,053 families as a reference, the children of these families were minors between one and 36 months of age, the conclusions were that the quality of the home environment and the good relationship with a child is determined by the specific time that is shared with the child. That a mother is with her child all day does not imply that she dedicates all her time to the child.

A mother who has little time with her son, when she can be with him, dedicates it more fully. The conclusion is that time must be devoted to the children and that it is quality time, that the child fully feels the attention and affection of the mother.

Video: 6 Types of Unhealthy Mother Son Relationships (July 2024).