Solidarity Top

"A toy an illusion" is the campaign that for six years Radio Nacional de España and the Crecer Jugando Foundation have launched with the objective of sending toys to developing countries and non-governmental organizations that work on cooperation and attention projects to the childhood. The campaign recalls that children have the right to play, rest and recreation, as stated in article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and tries to facilitate children's access to toy, understood from a double perspective: it is a playful instrument and also constitutes a complement to socialization and learning.

Buying the Solidarity Top for a value of three euros (can be purchased at the offices of Post and Telegraphs, English Supermarkets, Alcampo, Toys R Us, Supermarkets El Arbol, Yelmo Cineplex and Mary Kay Cosmetics Consultants), a toy arrives in Africa, America Latin and Middle East. With the money raised, toys are manufactured that then travel to developing countries. There the cooperators and non-governmental organizations for children distribute among children and in centers with fewer resources. Trucks, dolls and balls that children can take home and other toys that are used to equip play centers in schools. This sixth edition will reach fourteen countries of which Latin America is the main recipient.

This is just a grain of sand in the complex problem of developing countries. More can be done, the problem can be attacked at its source, it only takes the will of those who can really do it.

Video: headlines @ 7am. PM: Global solidarity needed to fight terrorism; other top news (July 2024).