They take custody of their twins to the woman who had them with 64 years, as it happened with her other daughter

Less than two months ago we told you the story of Mauricia, a woman who had been the mother of a girl through in vitro fertilization and whose custody was taken years ago, who had undergone treatment in the US, giving birth to twins.

Already in that post we commented on the obvious: if with your previous daughter they considered that she was not qualified to take care of a minor, it is most likely that with 64 years and two babies, the result was the same.

And so it was: yesterday the news jumped that social services have taken custody of their two babies.

Less than a month taking care of them at home

As we read in El País, the social services of Burgos withdrew the guardianship of the babies to Mauricia two days ago, by detecting "signs of lack of protection" and considering that the children were in a "situation of helplessness", according to a spokesman for social services .

Mauricia gave birth to the babies on February 14. The two were admitted to the hospital, where they remained for more than a month, until on March 26 they were discharged. That day he was able to go home with them, after signing an agreement with social services as he would have a support person 24 hours a day.

Even so, by following the case, it was determined a few days ago that babies needed "protection in another environment", and although they value the possibility that in the future they will be together again, for now they only contemplate that they be cared for by a host family.

"What if I can have more?"

After repeating the situation, the woman declared, through the voice of her lawyer, that if the first time was painful, this time it has been much worse.

The funny thing is that he decided to be a mother again, despite previous experience and as he said in an interview with El País, because he had been so great the first time he thought: "What if I can have more?". And that's how he activated all the mechanisms to achieve it. He succeeded, as we all know, and now history repeats itself.

Now the question is, as we said on the previous occasion: Will you try again? Because it is a very painful situation for her, but it is also for her three children, and this is something that cannot be ignored, and that in fact, from the US, should also be taken into account.

Video: Transformational Coach Lisa Nichols To Guest: You Have A Right To Move On, But Not At The Expens (July 2024).