Recipes for the whole family: cheesecake cups with strawberry sauce, salmon croquettes and more delicious stuff

How are you doing appetite? We prepare for lunch and today we put on our apron to get into the kitchen and prepare delicious recipes for the whole family, to enjoy special flavors and renew the menus.

We bring you the best recipes of our companions of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica with which you can prepare varied and healthy dishes. Today in our selection we highlight very appetizing meat and fish recipes and desserts for the sweet tooth. Bon Appetite!

Fish dishes for the whole family

  • Baked salmon with noodles and mirin sauce (top photo), a different way to serve the delicious salmon, rich in omega 3, accompanied by the pasta of noodles, a light and healthy dish.

  • Miso glazed tuna with tender bean salad, a Japanese touch (we can choose a soft sauce) and that incorporates vegetables to have a full plate.

  • Pasta with sautéed tuna in spicy tomato sauce (top photo), a fun recipe in which we can substitute spicy for a normal tomato sauce if we do not want such a strong flavor for the kids.

  • Green cod and vegetable curry, an intense flavor recipe that also looks great with hake or monkfish and that we can accompany with basmati rice. Be careful with spicy, you can take less for children or lower it with yogurt.

  • Salmon croquettes with cinnamon, another dish that takes advantage of the delicious salmon, this time in an ideal format for snacks or dinner, accompanied by a good salad. In addition, cinnamon and other spices give these croquettes a unique and very tasty touch.

Meat Recipes

  • Baked rib (top photo), a simple and inexpensive dish that can be made with Iberian pork rib, with a greater amount of fatty part, or with another lean meat of white pork.

  • Lamb stuffed with mushrooms with orange sauce, a recipe for a special occasion ideal to accompany it with mashed potatoes or sweet vegetables such as pumpkin and sweet potato.

  • Asparagus and ham cannelloni, a simple recipe to compensate for the previous one, although meat only carries the ham but we have loved this combination of pasta and vegetables with grated cheese and white sauce.

  • Baked chicken (top photo), a traditional recipe but that does not always get to the point, how to make it perfect? This chicken accompanied by a garnish of roasted vegetables is simple and enchants children.

  • Baked chicken with spices, a variant of the previous recipe that incorporates a combination of a mixture of varied spices that will give the chicken a fantastic flavor, creating a roasted outer layer that hides a juicy and very tasty meat.

Delicious desserts

  • Glasses of cheesecake with strawberry sauce with star anise (cover photo), a fresh dessert to take advantage of the last strawberries of the season, although it can also be prepared with other fruits such as raspberries, cherries or apricots. Which prefer?

  • Vegan lemon flan. If we thought that getting the texture of a flan without using milk and eggs was impossible, this recipe belies it. Delicious custards with a touch of lemon ready in just over an hour.

  • Muffins two colors of vanilla and chocolate (photo above), a whim of two colors to enjoy both flavors and easy to prepare, ready in just 50 minutes. How about the snack?

  • Afghan biscuits: Australian and New Zealand's favorite cookies, soft and crispy by the corn flakes that it incorporates and with a delicious chocolate topping, children will not be able to resist!

  • Finally, do not miss eight peach recipes to enjoy this season, with dishes as suggestive as roasted peaches with pink pepper yogurt sauce, peach gazpacho, creamy peach smoothie and yogurt (top photo) or peach cupcakes, almonds and pistachios. Many ideas for summer snacks!

We hope our Summary of Recipes for the whole family so appetite has opened your appetite and that you put them into practice these days. Remember that if there is an ingredient that is not suitable for young children, we can suppress it or make a slight adaptation in the recipe if they do not like something. Next week we return with more ideas, bon appetit!

Video: Best Strawberry Cake Ever, 70's Recipe, Mama's Best Southern Cooking Tutorials (July 2024).