What do your children disguise? the question of the week

Maybe it is the first costume of the little one, maybe you are already experts in the art of Carnival. In the question of the week We want to get to know the great Baby family a little better and more and on this date carnival we propose:

What will your children disguise?

At school, at home, for a special parade or a Carnival party, what are they going to disguise? Will you dare to disguise yourself with them? Surely you give us ideas for costumes, simpler or more sophisticated, we would love to know how you will celebrate Carnival with the kids.

Last week's question

Last week Lola asked us what do you think of the decision of some parents not to vaccinate their children? and we have obtained several answers on this very controversial and topical issue.

Overmik points out that the anti-vaccine movement seems embarrassing and wonders if it would not be necessary until a "card to have children", given the cases that are seen.

For his part, Gabiruiz tells us that it is a very serious mistake and gives us two fundamental reasons:

* Because the large number of deaths, illness and suffering that vaccines have avoided, and continue to avoid, is easily demonstrable. * Because not vaccinating endanger the health of a vulnerable being who can not say: the child (in addition to other members of society).

Neuropediatra says it flatly: "You have to vaccinate them, vaccines save lives and not vaccinate kills". He points out that parents who decide not to vaccinate are simply poorly informed and need to ask their pediatrician more and better, just write about it on his blog and invite us to read it.

We appreciate all the answers and now the new question of the week is now available. We await your comments in the Answers section to collect them next week.

Video: WE TRICKED PZ9 to REVEAL HIS NAME & IDENTITY - Vy & Daniel Undercover in Disguise Spy Gadgets Vlog (July 2024).