Shame Showcase, a campaign to prevent teenage pregnancy

If in a shop window of a clothing store we found under the motto of "Back to school" mannequins with pregnant school uniform I would definitely get our attention. It is what we see in this video of the campaign to prevent teenage pregnancy, Vitrina Vergüenza.

It has developed in Venezuela, where every minute three teenagers become pregnant who probably will not be able to continue their education, thus affecting their development and their future.

The video, intended for parents to become aware of this reality, ends with the message "Offer them a future." It was filmed recently in a shopping center in Caracas, and the surprised reactions of a real audience are shown.

It is intended to make visible a serious social problem through impact and motivate behavioral changes in the affected population, emphasizing One of the problems associated with early pregnancy: dropping out of school.

The showcases exhibit desires, but when they show realities that come out of their hiding place, they cause fear, astonishment and shame.

But that fear, astonishment or shame could touch anyone, so it is important to have a good sexual education, which perhaps we, with small children, may be a little distant, but sooner or later it will be given, also at home.

The Shame Showcase campaign to prevent teenage pregnancy It is developed by the Venezuelan Friends of the Child Foundation, which merits Fundana protection and joins that developed by other countries, such as "Don't change your backpack for a baby." Without a doubt, a striking campaign for the return to school.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | "Maternity in childhood", how to face the challenge of teenage pregnancy, Pregnancy in adolescence

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