Happy Mother's Day !: Enjoy the day and give you the opportunity to think about what motherhood gives you

Today we congratulate from Peques and Más to all mothers, and We wish you a happy day in which your children will surely show you signs of affection, and they will have let you sleep a little more (This is a fairly common desire for such a marked day).

None of you dads and moms will forget to call grandmothers so they know you remember them, and surely many families have the opportunity to meet in order to share an unforgettable meal. And neither of the moms avoid reviewing the meaning of motherhood for each of them. Because such an intense and enriching experience deserves reflection.

When becoming mothers many women are able to forget (literally) for a few weeks what they did before the baby arrived, this is because in reality there is nothing as important as bringing a life to the world, and having the responsibility to take care of it and protect it. I think that sometimes we are not aware of this, and I am convinced that motherhood should be much more valued.

Is it hard being a mother?

Sometimes we hear saying 'it's so hard to be a mother!', I don't really think it is, but what does happen is that we lack the necessary support to play such an important role in conditions. Today moms sigh for a free minute to think, if we had lived long ago, other women would have given us their time taking care of the little ones so we could enjoy that rest.

If we had more opportunities to share maternity and listen, to learn from the experiences of grandmothers, neighbors or friends, it might not be so complicated. But from home to work, and from work to pick up the children to hurry the rest of the afternoon to the fullest, there are not many opportunities to find ourselves, and convince us that somewhere in our heart and our mind is all we need to know.

Being a mother is to develop the ability to organize life around that little being that has arrived in the world, and suffer if we must separate from the baby for work reasons. And being a mother is also taking the step of trusting the 10-year-old child who wants a little more freedom, and convince ourselves that we should help him achieve more independence because all the things he wants to learn from life, we cannot teach them we.

Motherhood makes us strong and wise

We must be aware of all the things that motherhood gives us, to enhance its value: by becoming mothers we become more intuitive and creative, we develop the 'power' of multiplying the little time we have, and we become more confident women (have you created a life ?: you are a powerful person).

When you are a mother, knowledge in nutrition and first aid is updated, skills that we did not know appear, and we are shown a fantastic world that was previously unknown. We discovered that the playground is much more fun than going for coffee, and that the most interesting things in life are discovered when you live slowly, savoring every moment with our children.

Are you mom then approach your children, look them in the eye, and let them guide you, perhaps it will be easier: their look will tell you about emotions and certainties, what they need and what they expect from you. They will assure you that they trust your care and your protection, and they will also tell you when to start 'letting go of their hand', because they can never face the world alone if you don't allow them to experiment and make mistakes for themselves.

Are you ready to enjoy your mother's day? Then take advantage of it, and Do not forget to spend a few minutes thinking about what it is to be a mother for each one of you, and how you can improve your maternity experience.