Fast food raises the risk of contracting diseases such as asthma, eczema and rhinitis

'Thorax' (from the British Medical Journal) is a publication that has set off the alarm by linking the intake of fast food with the development of asthma, eczema and rhinitis.

In Peques and Más we saw three years ago how to eat three or more hamburgers daily raised the risk of getting asthma in children.

On this occasion it has been a team of researchers from organizations such as the University of Auckland (New Zealand), the Center for Evidence Based Dermatology of Nottingham (United Kingdom), or the Institut für épidémiologie und Sozialmedizin de Münster (Germany) who have elaborated a epidemiological study. Among them, is Dr. Luís García - Marcos from the Virgen de la Arrixaca University Hospital in El Palmar (Murcia). In this study the relationship between take fast food three times a week and develop certain diseases, after analyzing food patterns worldwide, with data from more than 500,000 children from more than 50 countries.

A poor diet from the nutritional point of view could be the cause of the chances of contracting these pathologies, rise. Although we cannot ignore that fast food often contains high levels of saturated acids, which affect people's immunity.

Research has determined that children who begin adolescence and consume three or more times per week this type of food, they have a 39% higher risk of developing a serious illness. This would also occur at lower ages if parents do not bother to offer healthy eating to children, the difference is the age and the possibility of dining out with friends, without anyone telling them what to eat.

That is why I think it is very important to lay the foundations while they are small, and continue to offer them a balanced diet at home, whatever their age.

If the association between this type of food and the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema is causal, then the results are important for public health due to the increased consumption of fast food worldwide

Conversely, eat fruits regularly, it is a habit that can protect the body, it is a food rich in antioxidants. In fact, according to the study mentioned, the intake of three or more servings of fruit per week reduces the risk between 11 and 14%.

The results are part of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies, and it would be very interesting for those responsible for public health worldwide, they will be responsible for disseminating the information, as well as insisting on the adoption of healthier eating habits.

Video: How I Cured My Severe Allergies (July 2024).