A baby came back to life with the hug of his parents

A baby came back to life with the hug of his parents and they, now, have made their entire history public to make doctors and families aware of the enormous importance of leaving babies, even the most serious, doing kangaroo method, skin to skin, in the heat of the mother's breast For this baby, who had been presumed dead, came back to life thanks to the encouragement, the hug, the love and milk of his mother and the caresses of his father.

The child was born prematurely, at 27 weeks gestation. The boy would not survive, the doctors said and already taken for dead, they gave it to their parents to say goodbye to him. The mother put it on her bare chest, and the little one, after a while, seemed to take a breath.

The doctors told him that this breath was just a reflex act, that the boy was, without a doubt, dead. But his mother, Kate, gave him heat and put a few drops of milk in his mouth with his finger. Then the little boy moved and opened his eyes. I was breathing He was alive. To the astonishment of the doctors, the child came back to life and today is a healthy and strong baby who has shown that the kangaroo method and skin with skin can be vital and give breath again to a baby who was theoretically dead.

These experiences teach us how important it is to let babies, even if they are in critical condition, whenever medically possible, remain in their room, their mother's womb, receiving love, milk, caresses and hugs.

If they did not get to have the luck of this little one, even if they could not live, at least they could have received the love of their parents before leaving. And if there is a miracle, like that of this baby who came back to life with the hug of his parents, you can tell that love saved them.

Video: The hug that helped change medicine (July 2024).