Stories of natural births after one (or two) C-sections

The video that you can see above carries a title with great force, like that of its protagonists. Is called "We can give birth" or in other words "we can give birth to a child after a C-section."

Given the disastrous situation of childbirth awareness today where 80% of women prefer to have a medicalized delivery, it is not surprising that caesarean sections have increased dramatically in recent years. Some essential, no doubt, but others surely unnecessary.

Women tend to believe (because they are not well informed) that having a caesarean section inevitably condemns that the next or subsequent deliveries are the same. Not to mention if the woman has had two previous C-sections.

The testimony of the women who star in the video with their children is the best demonstration that this is not the case. They are mothers who after one or two C-sections chose to try to give birth to their children for themselves. And they succeeded.

Of course it is not a handful of natural pro-delivery mothers infatuated with having a vaginal delivery without measuring the risks. Research indicates that up to 80% of women who have undergone surgery to give birth may have a natural birth afterwards. But of course, success is greatly influenced by the mother's predisposition to have a natural birth.

On the other hand, studies tend more and more to demonstrate that after a C-section, a vaginal delivery is equally viable and safe. In medical terms it is called PVDC (vaginal delivery after caesarean section)

Congratulations to these mothers and thank you for sharing your stories.

Video: Doctor Discusses Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Video - Brigham and Women's Hospital (July 2024).