Parents dedicate more time to the first child, not better

Logically, it is not because fathers and mothers love the older son more. I want to believe that we all love our children equally.

The fact that we dedicate more time to the eldest son than the second and the others is the consequence of some obvious questions.

According to a study conducted by Cornell University in the United States, parents with more than one child spend much more time with the firstborn than with the youngest when the children are between 4 and 13 years old.

The report, which was dedicated to comparing the time parents spend with their children, clarifies a point on which I disagree.

Point out the difference in terms of quality of time that is dedicated to the elderly with respect to others. Or put another way, that the little one (or the little ones) receive a lower quality of time than the older one.

I can agree that the amount of time we dedicate to the first one is greater due to logical issues such as that we are inexperienced and it takes us much longer. With the second it is all easier and faster because we already know how to do it. With others, not even talking.

With the first we are afraid of everything, everything they do is a novelty and it is logical that we dedicate a lot of time.

But I do not agree at all that the former takes a better quality of time than the others.

With the second one, it is true that we learn to save time, but by the simple fact that we also have an older son to look after.

But that does not mean that the quality of time is lower for the second or for those who come later.

When we have a second child (here I have arrived, I imagine that the same thing happens from then on), parents learn to multiply our love at the same time. Not to divide the love, and less in unequal parts. At least it shouldn't be like that.

Video: Is It Better To Have Young or Old Parents? (July 2024).