The endearing video of a father and son with autism, connecting through dance and music

Marcos Mion is a Brazilian television host and father of three children, one of them with autism. In his Facebook account he often publishes videos and family photographs with which he intends to disseminate and raise awareness about this disorder.

But one of his latest videos has been viralized in a matter of days, and there are already more than six million people who have seen and moved with him. In the recording you can see the unconditional love of a father for his son, and the beauty of that union through music and dance.

"Even my closest friends ask me what it is like to live with a special child. Romeo is like that. When he laughs it's true, but when he gets angry too. When he cries, it is difficult for him to return to calm, but when he is happy he trembles from top to bottom moving his hands and jumping in a way that is impossible to disguise. When he loves it is completely and because he needs it, or because he likes the soul of the other person "

"When people dance, the whole world disappears and there is nothing more pleasant and important than the special aura that is created at that precise moment, giving meaning to the phrase: "dance as if there was no one watching."

"Whatever way you connect with your special child, always do it. At the end of the day you will see that it is you who needs more than anyone else from that connection."

These beautiful words of the presenter gave way to a homemade video where he is seen dancing with his son a song by Elvis Presley, in a casual atmosphere, fun and, above all, complicit and full of love. Hard not to get excited with this father's gaze, his final hug and his laughs while dancing together for the music.

Connect through music

Marcos states that through music and dance he manages to connect with his sonWell, both he and Romeo are big fans. Therefore, listening to music together and getting carried away by the rhythm, not only amuses them but also unites them.

Like any of us, children with autism also receive certain stimuli with pleasure, being able to enjoy them as we do others. And in this sense, music becomes a very valuable connection and stimulation tool.

The presenter encourages all parents of children with autism to find that point of union with your children, either through music and dancing, as is the case, or through any other activity that fills them with passion.

With this type of family publications, Marcos also seeks create social awareness about this disorder, break the barriers surrounding autism and naturalize a situation that may, when faced for the first time, generate fear, doubt or uncertainty.

"If as a father I get caught up in the" and if ... ", life ceases to shine and becomes a difficult weight to bear. So if you consider that caring for a special child is a tragedy that will destroy your existence, your dreams or your image of a perfect family, I can assure you that it will not be like that.Autism is a box of surprises! - stated in an opinion piece written for the Brazilian magazine Crescer

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