To have a happy birth: seven things you should avoid during labor

After waiting for so long, you begin to notice signs that the first phase of labor begins to start. The day has come; You are finally going to meet your baby and want everything to go on wheels.

You are a key part of the process and there are some things you can do, or rather you can avoid during labor to make the process flow in the best possible way.

Avoid getting nervous

Before the first symptoms that the time has come, such as the expulsion of the mucous plug or rupture of the bag, keep calm, even if you are in a public place. Nerves are not good companions at this time, so relax and start organizing for what will come.

Try to have the hospital bag (yours and your baby's) ready so you don't get caught at the last minute and run the risk of leaving nothing. Call whoever is needed to let you know the time is coming and assess your symptoms to calculate the time to go to the hospital (see next point).

If you have older children, it is time for you to notify those who are going to take care of your care while you are in the hospital.

Don't hurry to go to the hospital

There are symptoms such as spotting or a fitting of the baby's head that do not imply that the delivery is going to be imminent, it may even take days to occur.

Even from the beginning of the "real" labor contractions (more painful, rhythmic and regular) it may take several hours until the birth occurs, and it is preferable that you spend as much time as possible dilating at home than in the hospital. You can take a bath to relieve the pain of contractions (if you have not broken waters) or a shower.

When you have rhythmic, progressive and intense contractions that reach a rhythm of two or three contractions every ten minutes, it's time to go to the hospital.

If a bag breakage occurs, it does not imply that you have to run to the emergency room if you have a full-term gestation. Typically, if they have not started yet, it will be that labor contractions begin within the next few hours. Check if the liquid is clear, use a large compress or towel to soak the liquid and take it easy to go to the hospital. If the liquid is green, yellowish or has blood, you should go to the hospital immediately in case the baby has a problem.

Avoid staying still

One of the worst things to relax is to stay still in bed. Instead, being able to move freely, walk, roam around the house or the delivery room, or use a fitness ball to balance the pelvis will help you cope better with the painful sensation.

If you feel like it, even dancing, it is a good natural method to facilitate childbirth. The movements of the mother help the baby to be placed and with its own weight, help soften the cervix to cause birth. In addition, you have fun, it distracts you and helps you relax.

Avoid toxic people

At such a time, surround yourself with only the most intimate people with whom you feel comfortable. And the less they are, the better. Ideally with your partner, or with your mother, with your sister or your best friend ...

You don't need negative people, much less people who make unfortunate comments, or who bother you. Surround yourself with people with good predisposition to give you support, trust and good company.

Avoid interfering with the process

Much of the success of childbirth focuses on the confidence that the mother has during the process. Under normal conditions, labor is progressing without the need for any intervention. There really isn't much you should do. Just pay attention to the signals your body sends you, relax, breathe and accompany the process.

Avoid looking at the clock

Except to control the time between contractions and how long they last, forget about the clock. If they are waiting for the hours you have been dilating, you will only get anxious. Just focus on your process, if you want rest, rest; If you want to eat, eat, and just think that there is less to meet your baby.

If you don't feel at ease, don't keep it

The day of childbirth is one of the most important of your life, and that of your baby. It is important that your wishes are heard and that you feel comfortable and cared for by doctors, nurses and the rest of the staff. Do not let them intimidate you or make decisions for you. If you have delivered your birth plan, and have previously talked about how your delivery will be, it should be respected. Also, if any inconvenience arises, ask to be informed.

We hope you find these seven tips useful for having a good birth. You can contribute to the process flow in the best possible way and the birth of your child is a happy event.

In Babies and more | What happens if I don't give birth? Seven "techniques" to relax during childbirth

Video: Patient Education Animation: Labor and Vaginal Birth (July 2024).