A gym offers the dream of tired parents (never better): 45-minute "nap classes"

If recent parents are offered 45 minutes of uninterrupted sleep, they will surely ask without hesitation where to sign. Well, knowing this need, a gym in the United Kingdom offers one-hour relaxation classes and naps for tired mothers and fathers, where they ensure 45 minutes of sleep with all the comforts.

And although it might seem a ridiculous proposal, since it seems difficult to go to the gym if you have a baby and even more if you accumulate the fatigue of the first months, the first test classes of "Napercise" (something like "Siest-jercicio") in London they are already complete, so the British club will probably extend its offer to other of its headquarters. How about having something like that in your nearest gym?

This is how this new "gymnastic mode" is announced on its website:

The frantic nature of modern life means that few of us seem to get enough sleep, and if you're a father, a good night's rest becomes even more a luxury. So we are creating a new group: nap classes to help exhausted moms and dads increase their mental and physical well-being. Our mid-afternoon sleep sessions are 45 minutes long and are designed to revitalize the mind, body and even burn excess calories.

In Babies and more This is a mother's hard nights: record her continuous nighttime awakenings with two babies

The gym, David Lloyd Clubs, offers a one-hour class that begins with relaxation exercises, followed by a 45-minute nap in single beds, with blanket, masks so that it does not disturb the clarity and in a room with the ideal temperature. Of course, outside they ask for silence since there is an "ongoing nap class".

At the end of the repair nap, stretching exercises are performed again to release tension and look like new, although I fear that some minutes of rest are not enough ... or maybe yes? It is proven that short naps are restorative for body and mind and reduce stress (not only in children, but also in adults), so that everything is to try, even if the children are already older!

Of course, as anyway we do not have this gym nearby or there are places available at the moment, it is best that we get used to sleeping at home when the baby does and practice our relaxation and breathing exercises to not accumulate stress and achieve a Better rest, which is so much needed. And, during the first year of the baby, parents lose more than 700 hours of sleep, which is equivalent to about two hours less daily.

Can 45 minutes of nap in a relaxed environment repair all the accumulated fatigue? Well, probably not the first days, but as the weeks go by, the body will get used to this new rhythm imposed by the baby, we adapt quickly and a head can give a lot of itself ... in the gym, on the sofa or in any corner of the house where we fall rendered.

In Babies and more In the first year of the baby, parents lose more than 700 hours of sleep

Video: How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need? (July 2024).