How much does it cost to raise a baby in the different countries of Europe?

They say children always come with bread under their arm. What is certain is that A baby - especially if he is the first - brings many expenses: crib, stroller, clothes-lots of clothes-, bottles, diapers, pacifiers ...

Therefore, all help, as they say, is little and It is highly recommended to take advantage of campaigns such as Prénatal in order to make the significant disbursement of money that we are going to have to face more bearable.

Minimum insured expenses of 7,000 euros

According to the study “What a child costs” of the CEACCU consumer organization, the stage that leaves parents less room for savings is the first three years, with a minimum cost of 7,000 euros. But when the children come out "more expensive" is from the age of twelve. Leisure spending, branded clothing, private education, language trips or electronic goods, can trigger spending up to 21,000 euros.

This same report calculates that, only in diapers, we dedicate 50 euros per month and just over 100 in clothes during the first year of a child's life.

As for food, another of the most important items, the study of this consumer association points to a bill of 133 euros per month during the first 8 months of life of the little one. If we also take into account the nursery to which many children will go, we must point between 400 of the public and more than 1,400 euros that can cost a private one.

That is to say, that only during the first year, the invoice of having a child soars between 7,000 and 11,000 euros.

How are they in other European countries?

The comparisons are always odious and, in many occasions, they are not fair. Although we compare ourselves with our European neighbors and with other developed countries, in many cases these studies only take cold figures into account, without assessing the cost of living or average wages of each country.

So, for example, just the cost of giving birth is much lower in Spain than in other countries, especially regarding the United States, where there is no concept of public health.

Source: Cost of a normal delivery. IFHP

Although it is true that many manufacturers tend to homogenize their prices throughout Europe, there are still important differences between the economic effort involved in raising a child in different countries. We have a good example in spending dedicated to toys, a necessary element for the development of babies, both cognitively and emotionally and physically.

Source: Average expenditure on toys.

Tell me where you live and I will tell you how much help you have

In order to make a comparison of what it really costs to raise a child in Europe, we should not only look at the cost of the products, but the aid received, especially by public administrations.

As the European Union itself recognizes, “although all countries offer family benefits, their amount and the requirements to receive them can be very different”, Given that each of them is free when establishing their own rules on rights to benefits and services. Depending on your country of residence, these grants are periodic or may be limited to tax advantages.

According to Eurostat data, Spain is the country, behind Greece, that devotes less resources to families and children: Only 1.4% of its GDP, compared to 3.5% on average in the European Union.

Quiet, there are other resources

As we see, all help is welcome, and more when it comes to defraying the expenses that come with the arrival of a new member to the family.

Prénatal has launched a campaign with which it intends to help all families to face this bill. Although you can check all these promotions on the website or in the stores themselves, we can anticipate that in the purchase of certain strollers -capazo, chair and group 0-, Prénatal offers 200 euros discount or the second unit of diapers at half price .

Another option that Prénatal offers you is to be part of the VIP Club. For 12 months the members of this club have a 30% discount on Prénatal clothing and footwear -included maternity clothes-, in addition to special and exclusive offers in childcare.

Discounts and special prices apply to all product ranges: clothing, furniture, strollers and car seats, toys, surveillance monitors, security elements, decoration ... A help for those first months of life in which to control The expenses seem, sometimes, mission impossible.

Video: Why Daycare Is So Expensive In America (July 2024).