Summer and children: seven keys to survive the heat these days of hell

Well, maybe I have been a bit exaggerated, but the 40 degrees we are having these days make us think that we have been transported to the same fault. We are immersed in a heat wave that barely lets us breathe and also affects the little ones.

Children, because of their physiology, are especially vulnerable to high temperatures, so these days they may be more irritable and annoying than usual. Attentive to these seven basic keys to survive the heat these days of hell.

Always hydrated

Hydration is essential to avoid a dreaded heat stroke. The heat increases the body temperature, which is regulated by sweat. When children (and adults) sweat they remove water through the pores, therefore it is necessary to replace that loss to avoid dehydration.

Water consumption is key to maintaining adequate levels of concentration of minerals in the blood. Water is an indispensable component in all body tissues.

The amount of daily water a child should drink is between 50-60 ml per kilo of weight, that is to say half a liter of water for a 10 kg baby, for example. Offer it often even if you're not thirsty and if you're going out Always carry a bottle of water by hand.

If the baby is exclusively breastfed, in summer it is recommended to increase the intake of breast milk and it is not necessary to offer water, since milk provides the minerals it needs to avoid dehydration.

Protect them from the sun

Avoid direct sun exposure in the central hours of the day, between 11-18 hours. Use sunscreen to protect your skin and renew the application every two hours. Do not forget the hat and sunglasses.

If you are going to go out, use a sun visor or a trolley with a hood, but always check that it has adequate air circulation. It is not convenient to cover the stroller with a sheet or blanket, sometimes to protect them from the sun, we increase the temperature to dangerous levels.

Refreshing meals

Do not fancy copious meals with this heat. Instead of hearty dishes, offer small portions throughout the day. Increase fresh dishes such as salads or legumes and take advantage of summer fruits to hydrate and provide vitamins.

You can prepare ice cream, gazpachos or homemade soda with seasonal fruits and vegetables together. Avoid fried and over-fatty meats that make digestion difficult. At night, choose light dinners to facilitate sleep.

Search for cool places

These days, shade, fans and air-conditioned spaces are the most sought after sites, although the latter must be used with caution if you have babies. Keep the house cool by lowering awnings and blinds. You can also place a wet sheet on the window to cool the air that enters, as our grandmothers did. It often refreshes the child's head, neck and wrists.

If you are going out, avoid the hot hours and look for restaurants or shopping centers with air conditioning. Of course, never leave the baby alone in the car.

Light clothing

Inside the house, better barefoot, and also outside unless the feet can burn. If you go outside, cool and breathable footwear, like clothes. Avoid tight clothes and synthetic fabrics.

Use fabrics such as cotton or linen and avoid gums that can irritate your delicate skin. If the heat inside the house is extreme, you can put on a wet t-shirt and you can even remove the diaper.

To the pool or to the beach

If you have the possibility, do not hesitate, If you are lucky enough to have a pool or a beach nearby, take full advantage of it. Nothing better than spending a day of fire with the children cooling off in the water. It makes you want to bathe again and again. Of course, avoid the hours of the day when the heat squeezes too much.

Exercise, in moderation

Children do not stop with 40 degrees in the shade. It is beneficial for the child to practice daily exercise, but on days of excessive heat you have to exercise excessive caution.

It prevents them from performing intense physical exercise in the hottest hours. If the child practices an outdoor sport, try to be in the afternoon when the sun goes down and drink water frequently to replenish the moisture lost by sweat.